Selasa, 01 November 2011


Wer kommt?
(Who's Coming?)


book illustration of father holding child at night at her bedroom window

chromolithograph of postman delivering mail to child

coloured children's book illustration of vegetable seller delivering goods to house kitchen

butcher delivers meat to house kitchen

chimney sweeps climb stairs in house towards children on the landing

baker delivers cake to household

coloured lithograph of upper class Victorian couple visiting household

woman selling papers approaches child outside house

milk maid pours milk in kitchen near child

chromolithograph of old lady in doorway and housewife bringing her a vessel (?charity)

young male shoe repairer approaches house with swag of boots

'Wer kommt? : ein Buch für Kinder von 3 bis 7 Jahren' (Who's Coming? - a Book for Children aged 3 to 7 Years) is online at the State Library of Berlin. There are a few illustrations at the site not displayed in this post. The images above were cropped slightly from the full page layouts.

These delightful chromolithographs detailing the house visitors were produced by Julie Conz to accompany short verses composed by Julie Neunhöffer. This high quality book was issued by the Attenkofer Publishing Company in 1910 in Straubing in Lower Saxony  Bavaria. There is very little else by way of web mentions of the authors or the book - WorldCat lists this book as the only publication by either of the Julies. [I thought I saw a sale for ~€3000 but I can't re-find it so maybe I imagined it]

Previously: kids.

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